Reveal – Scissorgod

$ USD 14.00

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The Devil’s most beloved toy & tool is about to release their third album,
ominously named `Scissorgod´.
A album where REVEAL present themselves at their highest musical level,
their most visionary yet also most grounded.
From pure rockers to emotional bleeders to ultra-black metal killers,
REVEAL present themselves in a more widescreen and Technicolor manner – their focus frightening,
their vision more artistic than ever before.
These nine songs reflect the halos, the thorn-crowns, and the maelstrom of fire wherein REVEAL struggle
and always swirl & whirl, but show that this band is radiant on a pale, grey metallic sky.

Repeating the REVEAL pattern, `Scissorgod´ turned out to be an album that will separate the wheat from the chaff again.
But this time, it does not require a full basic understanding of the band’s locked world & attitude
In other words, this time, their nailbomb toys are more cuddly and their razorblade candy is more sweet.
Although their ever-present schizo grin and the tangible lethal intention is still shining through the darkness all the time,
REVEAL present a world of filth erected in the midst of Elysium, black-minded and strong.
Or, more directly, with `Scissorgod´ do REVEAL prove again that they give no fucks for uniforms,
blinders, and the opinions of others; they simply collect and inhale the madness of the world and channel it
into a pure outburst of DEATH ROCK.
`Scissorgod´ is not that far away from absorption & understanding like maybe `Flystrips´ was,
but scene sheriffs will predictably feel themselves as targets…
and fucking definitely will the Scissorgod cut & stab some small-stature sheriffs.

Top-notch production by none other than Martin -Konie- Ehrenkrona (In Solitude, Henrik Palm, Pig Eyes, Nifelheim)
Recorded and mixed in the Cobra Studios in Stockholm.

So, don’t be afraid: be thankful – be faithful – for what REVEAL has to say.
It can be the soundtrack while we dance a spiral downwards,
down through a hole.

…and when the music is over, turn off the life!…

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